Well – originally this chapter was intended to be named ‘A cup of tea’, since our plan was to visit the KIKO tea company today. However, once we had taken the trip with Boda-John and Company to the gates of the factory we had to learn it was closed. Quite disappointing after everyone had told us there is no point in calling someone at the company, but we should just come by any time we like.
Tee collection place and banana bicycle
Close to our (closed) destination
Anyway – the tour was still worth while, since we had an exciting trip out of Fort Portal through the beautiful tea fields around the town – and back.
Close to Fort Portal we ask our Boda-riders to stop by at the entrance of the Botanical garden and take a tour with a local guide there. This turns out to be one of the most exciting and interesting trips we had so far. The botanical garden itself does not look really pretty at first sight, however our guide turns out to be absolutely literate on all kinds of herbs and plants and takes us through the whole process of drying and packing herbs, which are also sold there. The garden itself is 100 acres big and we learn too much about local plants and their healing effects to record every detail. After picking some of the delicious little strawberries from the ground, we walk through a stunningly high forest of Eucalyptus with trees as high as 40 to 50 meters – amazing!
On the way out we buy two seedlings (one called ‘yesterday – today – tomorrow’) and a small mango tree for our hosts where we are invited tonight. Felix takes a bag of dried lemon verbena and I buy a tin of ‘Organic Justicia adhatoda’ mixed with honey, which – according to our guide – is the perfect medicine against all kinds of cold. Perfect for me, I have tried it right away. The taste? Hmmhh... must be very healthy!
We spend the afternoon with lunch, calls with home, reading and some work for next week before we are picked up by Christine and Moses for our dinner invitation at Oliver Schmidt’s house, where he and his wife Bettina have prepared a barbecue on the roof terrace of their hideaway house in the green depths outside Fort Portal.